In real-world terms, however, the Sanctuary experiment had been a disaster, with frequent sexual liaisons between members of the crew, several pregnancies, a number of jealous fights over women, and lingering bad morale.
In real-world terms, it's like a slightly larger version of one of those upright tissue boxes.
"When you turned the sand blue for a moment, you jumped backward, in real-world terms, a couple of days."
In real-world terms, these events took place over twelve pages across two issues, though more than five months pass for the characters while Betsy is Captain Britain.
Actually, in real-world terms 75% is a pretty respectable yield.
In real-world terms, each faction is run as a more or less independent club, with a small administrative team assigned by CP and internal In- and Out-of-Character hierarchies.
That behavior is a real stumbling block to any anodyne interpretation; in dramatic terms as well as real-world terms, it's difficult to regard it as anything other than unforgivable.
Ms. Proser would be the first to acknowledge that the breakdown is artificial in real-world terms.
In real-world terms, this meant that there would be less radioactive contamination of the surrounding area than in many dump sites in the U.S. for spent uranium fuel rods.