Considered by many second only to Cervantes in stature, Pérez Galdós was the greatest Spanish realist novelist.
Ralph Anthony Charles de Boissière (16 October 1907 - 16 February 2008) was an Trinidad-born Australian social realist novelist.
George Moore spent much of his early career in Paris and was one of the first writers to use the techniques of the French realist novelists in English.
All this, the authors argue, is a key to understanding how different Norris was from otherwise similarly minded contemporary journalists and realist novelists.
Benito Pérez Galdós (May 10, 1843 - January 4, 1920) was a Spanish realist novelist.
Theodor Fontane, realist novelist and poet, in 1859 moved with his family into a flat in a newly built house at Tempelhofer Straße 51.
He is renowned as one of the best realist novelists in the history of modern China.
While Balzac sought the comprehensive scope of Dante, his title indicates the worldly, human concerns of a realist novelist.
Vicente Blasco Ibáñez (29 January 1867-28 January 1928) was a Spanish realist novelist writing in Spanish, a screenwriter and occasional film director.
He was preceded by Zohrab and other realist novelists.