All concerned now say 1983 was never a realistic target.
Maybe in a couple of decades it will be a realistic target, but for now, we're stuck with the technology that we have.
"I would love to think that is going to happen in the next year or so, but three years out is a more realistic target."
Once you both understand and agree the issues, set realistic targets.
"Modest sustainable growth is probably a realistic target for them," he said.
Britain are expected to take a medal though, with gold a realistic target.
Is this a realistic target he's setting at five thousand?
The Government's patients charter suggests that a waiting period of two years is a realistic target, beyond which no individual should have to wait.
Stand in a "goal" to provide a realistic target for your child's shots.
Often, Levine reminds him that a junior college, if any, is the only realistic target.