But the informal reality meant that they became a part of the young woman's life.
This harsh reality means that we must do everything possible to limit our impact on the earth.
He lived in a dream, and the reality meant nothing to him.
IN 2000 reality meant game shows, and politics merged with entertainment.
The realities of the times may mean that music programming will have to pay its way.
The reality of climate change means we must act now.
The changing realities of the modern world, however, meant that traditional leaders would have to share the leadership of the country with others.
The reality of standard form contracting, however, means that many common law jurisdictions have developed special rules with respect to them.
But reality in the 1990s mean her story has a side retailers feel they can't ignore and that means it's off sale.
Reality began today, and reality might mean channeling, with all that entailed for a man.