Those topics are ones that reappear frequently in Mr. Otterness's work.
Non-player character costume is sometimes less detailed, but favourite monsters or villains may reappear frequently as they become well loved by the players.
The term translated as "cast into prison," or more accurately "delivered up" is one that will reappear frequently in the reports of Jesus' own imprisonment.
Duncan first appeared in Season 4 of the TV Series, and reappears frequently.
The Little Miss characters would frequently reappear in the later books of other characters.
It sold over 100,000 copies and, subsequently, De Groot frequently reappeared on the radio.
Several character designs, creatures, and musical themes reappear frequently.
They had mild popularity that disappeared and reappeared frequently.
This "pra-motif" will frequently reappear in Mokranjac's later works.
The woman in white - a kind of angel figure - reappears frequently at the back of the stage, mouthing unheard words.