Each dart consists of a rotating fore-body with two canard fins attached to a non-rotating rear assembly which has four fins.
The rear assembly also houses the electronics that guide the missile.
The front and rear assemblies do not differ from the original Revo, but the chassis is injection molded plastic instead of an aluminum semi-monocoque chassis.
In some countries this led to unusually large rear tail-light assemblies and round red reflex safety reflectors on some models, as Suzuki ensured their compliance with local design rules.
The mud-smeared outer hull was split open in several places, and the rear assembly was mostly ripped away.
TheDauntless was being torn apart by repeated inner explosions, its rear assembly shattered and leaking air.
The front wheel assembly is then folded into the middle platform first followed by the rear assembly being folded into the mid platform.
The hull's split open in several places, there's no sign of the rear assemblies, and Christ alone knows what happened to the sensor spikes.
The tail is rather long and reaches the hock of a properly angulated rear assembly; the tail is also well furnished and blends harmoniously with rear feathering.