The main house stood at the back of the property, its rear patio extending down to the water line and the docks.
We leave the kitchen and head for the rear patio.
The front yard is larger than the back, so the rear patio is not far away.
Elsie departed along the path to the rear patio, leaving him by himself.
The initials of some family members can still be seen engraved into the wall near the rear patio.
There is also a rear patio and a record store with 6,000 new and used records.
The home locator told her Roarke was on the rear patio, off the kitchen.
Rose broke the window pane while playing baseball with his father on the family's rear patio in 1943.
They were out on the rear patio, overlooking a spectacular scene of what was almost wilderness.
He was paid double time for standing by the chain link fence that surrounded the house's rear patio.