Then before I could set another he was on us, reared upon his hind legs and roaring.
They had passed a field as a stallion reared upon a mare.
Never be an end to it, unless common sense suddenly rears its ugly head upon the thrones.
And now he realized that the head reared upon the coils was not really that of a woman.
Rearing upon their hind feet they clawed and struck at the lattice.
He reared upon his hind feet and sought to shake the creature from his back.
Billy's horse stumbled at the first report, caught himself, reared high upon his hind legs and then toppled over, dead.
The lion regained its feet and reared upon its hind legs.
There was a path that led up the terraces of the hill toward the wonder city that reared upon its heights.
The girl's pony, squealing in terror, reared and plunged upon the heels of his mate.