For a moment it seemed that breakfast might end on a reasonably civilized note, after all.
For Soderberg, life isn't a matter of applying strict moral rules but of trying to meet unforeseeable challenges in a reasonably civilized fashion.
Is our middle child being reasonably civilized?
It took every bit of Blake's self-control to stay in the same room with her and to carry on a reasonably civilized conversation.
In the Dragonlance campaign setting, the minotaurs, which are also known as "Kothians", are a reasonably civilized and cultured race.
They were good enough children, as children went; they were winter- born kids, old enough to be reasonably civilized.
All I'm saying is that you seem to be a reasonably civilized person in spite of your weird occupation.
Most of the other people who live in this building are reasonably civilized.
Even without that, it's an excellent eating place that offers uncommon value, convincing flavors and, on weeknights, reasonably civilized dining.
But the data assures us the villagers were peaceful and reasonably civilized.