And Mudd had trespassed far beyond the point where he could reasonably claim to have just taken a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom.
Indeed, the music industry can reasonably claim its market to include anyone from 5 years to 50, taking in both sexes and every social class.
May we not reasonably claim that the Episcopate is the one means of providing such a ministry?
Thanks to his enthusiasm and energy, Goodwood today can reasonably claim to be in better condition than at any period in its history.
New Orleans can reasonably claim to be the most different city in the land.
This happened at the end of 1843, when Campenon died, and a vacancy occurred which he might reasonably claim to fill.
But no state could reasonably claim that it had been unfairly excluded.
No biologist or doctor can reasonably claim, by virtue of his scientific competence, to be able to decide on people's origin and destiny.
The new essentialism has evolved from these beginnings and can reasonably claim to be a comprehensive philosophy of nature.
I think the Ryol can reasonably claim that they knew this was here.