All they need is well-drained, reasonably fertile soil - and a little more appreciation from the gardening public.
It grows best in reasonably fertile soil which does not dry out too readily.
Their only requirements are good drainage and reasonably fertile soil.
Endive has no special soil needs, just the same reasonably fertile and moist earth enjoyed by most vegetables.
Although moderately common in all of the reasonably fertile parts of Australia (the east coast, the south-east, and the south-west corner) it is seldom seen closely enough to enable identification.
As long as the spot is reasonably fertile, with at least a half day of sun, Golden Glow will grow surrounded by grass.
As all magnolias require, it was placed in a sunny spot with reasonably fertile, well-drained soil.
It has reasonably fertile old soils, but overuse in some parts of the region has led to soil exhaustion and a need to use fertilizer.
Drainage has created reasonably fertile soils, which are used for arable cultivation and for pasture.
Grow in any reasonably fertile well-drained soil and water well in summer.