Tdap is one of several vaccines that offer adults a reasonably inexpensive and valuable protection against disease.
I love research like this, when a common but generally unobserved problem can be confronted with a reasonably inexpensive solution and everyone wins.
This is reasonably inexpensive living.
This was selected to provide a good balance between quality and performance, allowing the use of reasonably inexpensive hardware of the time.
Synthetic resins evolved as restorative materials since they were insoluble, aesthetic, insensitive to dehydration, easy to manipulate and reasonably inexpensive.
With transport so good, sampling the nightlife of one of Earth's most entertaining cities can be reasonably inexpensive and hassle-free.
Where one does not want to risk the corrosive effects of bleach, alcohol-based disinfectants are reasonably inexpensive and quite safe.
These are all reasonably inexpensive in pack form, and are used a great deal in electronic projects.
They are reasonably inexpensive and easy to use.
But given the other circumstances, it would be best to rely on plants that are easy, handsome and reasonably inexpensive.