Belonging mostly to the Sindhi community, they are usually engaged in trade and are reasonably prosperous.
The planet Nampur had little to set it apart from dozens of other reasonably prosperous worlds.
At no point in their association had Jim appeared to be other than reasonably prosperous, reasonably well dressed and fed.
At the time it was a pueblo (village) of about 900 reasonably prosperous inhabitants and had no record of political or social unrest.
She belonged to the prestigious Daju people; her well respected and reasonably prosperous father was brother of the village chief.
It was at one time a reasonably prosperous minor port.
I'd been a respectable, reasonably prosperous citizen, with a nice home and family, only something had happened and it hadn't worked out.
A reasonably prosperous man could hope to have two and sometimes three wives, and sometimes together.
The homes on East 14th Street are described as "solid, reasonably prosperous, and unostentatious."
Then, as now, it was hard to make a point about long-term trends when the economy looked reasonably prosperous for most of the voters.