All things considered, she looked reasonably representative of The Law.
These large juries were clearly intended to provide a reasonably representative sample of popular opinion.
The "reformed" system has in fact produced national conventions that are reasonably representative of primary results, but only one winner, Jimmy Carter in 1976.
These limitations ensure that the army is reasonably representative and doesn't consist entirely of heroes, big monsters, or war machines.
On this basis the Group feels confident that it has produced a reasonably representative basis on which to assess the field.
One reasonably representative review states:
Any given trajectory produced by this model should be reasonably representative of the large scale circulation, and as such, may be used to suggest potential source regions.
Comparison of the global and Mauna Loa record after 1980 indicates that the Mauna Loa data are reasonably representative of the global average growth rate.
The results implied that their sample was reasonably representative of the nation's population.
Most of the readings taken were with exposures corresponding to a reasonably representative image as displayed on the monitor screen.