Spock's reassuring advice gave parents the confidence to use their best judgment to raise their children.
LP of course with its cosy format so accessible to every person who would not normally have trampled on these places without the reassuring advice of LP.
Her first-name familiarity with limousine drivers is one indication of Dr. Rimm's growing celebrity in a highly competitive business: dispensing reassuring advice on child rearing to frazzled parents.
When Tan began to date, her mother offered this hardly reassuring advice: "Don't ever let boy kiss you.
Experts provide the calming and reassuring advice you need for a successful labor and delivery.
To help allay those fears, the experts we talked to offer the following calming and reassuring advice.
There's practical advice, offered in a characteristically personal voice, about whether helpers in the kitchen are really helpful; there's reassuring advice on baking for parties and how to make beans more digestible; there are illustrations where needed to illuminate explanations.
After some time passed with the two forces sizing up, Constantine VI gave in to the reassuring advice of a "false prophet" and ordered the attack.
The voice soothed him further with its reassuring advice.