The Hewlett-Packard Company supplied reassuring evidence yesterday that its business was back on track when it reported quarterly sales and profits that modestly surpassed Wall Street's expectations.
Taken another way, though, the applause was reassuring evidence that some newcomers are giving classical music a chance.
"The 1985 examination results provide reassuring evidence that the current state of health of the Ranch Hand participants is unrelated to herbicide exposure in Vietnam," the study said.
How paradoxical, then, that armed with this wealth of reassuring evidence, a number of doctors are now behaving as if they are at grave personal risk.
The findings from the new study provide reassuring evidence that the vaccine is safe and support current recommendations, the authors write in the current issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
Although scientists had inferred the existence of black holes and event horizons from the energy generated in the whirlpools, the new observations were described as stronger and more reassuring evidence.
So far, northern Botswana is our most reassuring evidence that parenthood, while it may entail compromises with that old spoilsport prudence, does not oblige you to give up exotic places.
Hewlett-Packard Beats Forecasts Hewlett-Packard supplied reassuring evidence that its business was back on track as it reported quarterly sales and profits that surpassed expectations modestly.
Chopin's early C minor Sonata provides reassuring evidence that even geniuses take time to find their true voice and identity.
What made the victory even sweeter, the struggle provided reassuring evidence that a rough-and-tumble parliamentary democracy is beginning to take shape.