He had reassuring news for his daughter, in case she was worried about ever becoming Queen after separating from husband Charles.
"This is terrific news, very reassuring," a senior executive of a large shipping company said today.
Here's some reassuring news for those of us whose career plans are slightly behind schedule: It turns out that peaking too early may kill you.
For women caught in a difficult labor, a study offered reassuring news about the safest way to deliver the baby.
The White House continued to receive reassuring news today on public opinion of the investigation.
Reuben took this as reassuring news and joined me.
New research provides some reassuring news for many pregnant women who have asthma.
Those who worry about the innovative acumen of American industry have some reassuring news.
The reassuring news: The study also found that wearing a sports bra reduces bounce by 74 percent.
Can anyone give me some reassuring news on this?