So far, everything seemed to be reassuringly normal.
The card had the price IS 3d still lightly pencilled on the back and this seemed reassuringly normal and cosy.
He was helpless, hopeless, reassuringly normal.
Holmes stood up and stretched, an action reassuringly normal.
The Celt's short temper was reassuringly normal; legionaries turned back to their food, their talk, or their endless games of chance.
Despite the noise and bustle of a typical, busy Tellesberg day, the scene was reassuringly normal and calm.
They seemed reassuringly normal after Graves and his companions.
The heart sounds were reassuringly normal; I could hear the valves open and close with their soft, meaty clicks, all in the right places.
His voice was reassuringly normal 'I hope I'm not waking you, Allen,' he said.
But that in itself had a reassuringly normal sound.