And today the rebels announced that they had in fact advanced a mile on Sunday after those bombings.
Last month, the Eritrean rebels announced that they would release 10,000 prisoners of war, leaving the captives free to go home.
At the same time, rebels announced an alliance for interim government.
There had been relatively few battles since the rebels announced their cease-fire.
And while the rebels recently announced their willingness to negotiate with a new President, they have also threatened to attack American military personnel.
Today, the rebels announced they would release 21 other captives on Monday.
The morning after Salcedo's death, the rebels announced what they had done.
The rebels announced a freeze on talks in mid-November.
The peace effort, which began on Sept. 16, 1998, when the rebels announced an indefinite cease-fire, has been stalled for months.
In a statement delivered to journalists Monday, the rebels announced the start of a new offensive this month.