While signing the accord, Nouri has moved objections to the government request that the rebels disarm before being reintegrated into the national army.
Unless they succeed, the northern rebels will not disarm and Ivory Coast will remain divided, economically debilitated and dangerous.
The army wants the rebels to disarm in those areas before giving up the land; the rebels say they will not.
Government negotiators, however, reportedly declined to accept this interpretation, seeing the zone as simply an area where the rebels could disarm and disband.
The rebels disarm the Police and give the guns to the homeless, but one of the rebels, Char, is shot in the process.
Instead, the rebels have captured and disarmed 500 peacekeepers, and the country is in chaos once again.
He said the rebels would disarm and pull back but not leave altogether.
But in recent months rebels have ambushed and disarmed some of the peacekeepers.
Finally, the rebels would disarm, handing in weapons to international peacekeepers in Kosovo.