Set in a dystopia where every teenager gets surgery at 16 to become beautiful, a few rebels escape to survive outside the perfect city.
What mattered was that the rebels had escaped and their weapons were down.
The rebels, realizing they could not defeat the Americans, escaped by crashing through a barricade of pickup trucks.
Outram had also failed to protest his orders not to advance on 14 March, which had allowed most rebels to escape.
He lost four hundred men in three days of hard fighting, and half the rebels escaped his wrath.
The prestige of the government suffered a further blow, however, when it was revealed on April 9 that a second rebel had escaped from custody.
Defeated, the rebels held no more territory and disbanded or escaped into California.
"Ma'am, please," Fletcher entreated, "if there is any chance the rebels can escape, we have to fly after them."
The rebels later confirmed that Saif had been in their custody, but escaped in the chaos of the situation.
She later breaks her cover and helps the rebels escape from the Separatists at a public execution.