And he kept reminding himself that he didn't even know for sure that the rebels were leading him where he wanted to go.
The 13th Native Infantry were slightly more successful in attacking to the right of the village, but the rebels were well entrenched and well led.
The rebels, he said, believe that a victory by the right-wing party will inevitably drive the center into their camp and lead to a popular insurrection.
The rebel general cautiously leads his peasant forces back to claim victory; it's not long before his officers change sides on him.
The encouragement Buck gave the rebels led them into all kinds of petty misdemeanors.
Meanwhile rebels had moved in, taken the reins of the horses and ponies, and were leading them away.
Like he led the rebels against the Empress.
In one notorious incident, rebels led by a chief called Mulume Niama killed a Belgian officer.
The rebels however, led by Fr.
A millennium later another famous rebel led a revolt against the Normans.