Desperate rebels mounted an assault against them on April 4 and were forced to withdraw.
After two years of relative calm in northeastern Nicaragua, rebels have mounted the first attack in what they hope will be a new offensive here.
Just outside the town, rebels frequently mount a checkpoint, stopping cars and sometimes threatening people, residents said.
Set a detail to capture the rebel mounts!
For months, the rebels have mounted attacks on and near the main highway, stirring fear of an imminent assault in Kandahar.
The legislation would allow the cut in aid to be restored if the rebels mounted a military offensive that threatened the Government.
In September, again on American advice, the rebels mounted another major attack, at Khost.
The authorities say they thwarted the attack before it occurred; the rebels did not mount an attack that failed.
Over the weekend, the rebels mounted new attacks.
The rebels mounted an almost simultaneous offensive on the Keren front, north of Massawa.