About 15 minutes, after the first attack the rebels opened fire on a patrol of local Chechen security forces seriously wounding 2.
A few hours after the program began, nearby rebels opened fire, military officials say.
Two or three rebels also opened fire on other U.S. forces there, then fled the scene when close air support was called in.
Other shots sounded from all around him as the rebels opened fire.
When it became apparent that an escape was impossible, the rebels raised their naval jack and opened fire on the St. Lawrence with the 32-pounder.
The report said that a police officer was killed late Tuesday when rebels opened fire on a police station.
The rebels opened fire, but were unable to dislodge Neville.
The rebels inside the compound had opened fire at the security forces.
Mac heard swearing and screaming just before the rebels opened fire.
The rebels who are holding the provincial administration opened fire in response.