In turn, Guinea has harbored Liberian rebels opposed to Mr. Taylor, fueling a conflict along the border that has killed hundreds in the last two months.
Nguyen Dinh Chieu, the leading poet of the southern struggle, did not portray Dinh as a rebel opposed to the Huế court.
Colonel Klein has said he tried to set up a training camp for Panamanian rebels opposed to Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega.
The area around Lwakhakha, Kenya has, in the past, served as a base for rebels opposed to the Kenyan Government in Nairobi.
Uganda, with Rwanda, has been backing rebels opposed to Congo's government of Kinshasa for the last three years.
However, Ethiopia is also accused of supporting rebels opposed to the Eritrean government.
There were plenty of rebels opposed to individual Merovingians, but the family's right to rule was not questioned.
The most important rebel opposed to Agila was Athanagild, whose open revolt began in 551, following Agila's defeat at Cordoba.
The refugees' indirect support for armed rebels opposed to their repressive government had put them in technical violation of an American antiterrorism law.
In these wars Rwanda took an active role in supporting rebels opposed to the government, including supplying troops.