The player attempts to enlist other miners, and fights the guards to reach the surface, and head toward the rebel outpost.
We got out through a gap in the fence and finally made it to a rebel outpost.
One of the patrols had come upon a rebel outpost.
The government troops advanced ,forcing back the rebel outposts, surrounded the pā on three sides and began a siege.
Notwithstanding showy strikes against rebel outposts, most of Afghanistan remains under guerrilla control.
Cyborg unit designated 'Flame' set fire to destroy rebel outpost.
Advance units quickly moved against rebel outposts under cover of the bombardment and moved artillery closer as forward positions were secured.
Helicopter pilots today reported seeing hundreds of refugees filing down the mountainsides toward a guerrilla base a few miles above the rebel outpost.
He battles Combine soldiers and monsters as he makes his way from one rebel outpost to the next.
And an estimated 10,000 troops, integrated with militia units, besieged the last major rebel outpost in Torit until it fell on Monday.