The next day, rebels pushed the military back from the town to two barracks on its outskirts.
The rebels pushed forward with vigor, only to be ripped apart by a volley from federal troops now hiding behind the fence.
Some rebels pushed the massive bed aside and the bearers placed the fluid-filled container in its place.
This year, the rebels have regrouped and are pushing hard against what appears to be the beginning of a major Government offensive.
But the rebels are pushing for a Shariah-free capital that acknowledges the country's diversity.
When the rebels finally pushed the army away recently, they came upon the crumpled-metal remains that for weeks had been visible only from the air.
By the night of 21 August, rebels had pushed into Tripoli, meeting little resistance from government forces.
The rebels still control the eastern parts of the country and the central city of Kisangani, and are pushing toward the south.
Since then, the rebels, their numbers having substantially increased, have pushed the army out of virtually all the country and encircled the capital.
By the evening of May 26, rebels pushed the regime out of the city, destroying five armored vehicles in the process.