Soon after leaving, the rebels storm the palace and kill the maharajah.
More than 20 people were killed at the start of the crisis, when the rebels stormed Kizlyar and took over a hospital there.
Unfortunately, rebels storm the wedding and spray the chapel with bullets.
The rebels also stormed the al-Husseini hospital and took over their wards.
On the night of 7 September the rebels, mostly militia-farmers armed with bamboo spears, stormed the fort.
Ms. Bowen, the British journalist, said she was standing near a court security officer when the rebels stormed the building.
South American rebels storm a vice-presidential mansion during a lyric soprano's recital.
The rebels stormed the government headquarters, leading the d'coup that would free the country from the dictatorship.
At the end of Series 3, the rebels storm the Mall and defeat the Chosen.
On 10 November the rebels stormed the government building in Speyer.