As tension gripped the country, the army stepped up its presence in major cities, in case the rebels strike first.
The rebels entered his room and struck blows at his head.
But they soon abandoned when rebels struck and damaged the machines and equipment.
The rebels also struck coins of their own to pay for expenses.
The rebels are also striking against regime troops more boldly, to lethal effect.
When the rebels struck, the United Nations force was still 3,000 soldiers short of the full 11,000 complement set up in February.
The rebels have struck again, using the same weapons, and this time people have died.
When the rebels struck it was always at the most opportune time, when the government was off balance or off guard.
The bombings were the first time the rebels had simultaneously struck all four southern provinces.
The government sent soldiers to the area where the rebels struck Thursday in the Dang district, but the insurgents had blocked the roads with logs.