The rebel offensive stretched the army and succeeded in bringing the country to a halt.
But, if this tally was accurate, it was clear that the rebels probably would succeed.
So far, the rebels have succeeded in winning only a few procedural victories, merely slowing the long ratification process.
But even if the U.S. could now help such rebels succeed, it would only trade one difficulty for another, more dangerous.
The rebels could not succeed against the well-organized regular army equipped with the modern ammunition, partly provided by the Entente.
Even now, the rebels might have succeeded in their coup d'&at but for the fact that the government had already been defeated in the Commons.
The rebels succeeded in taking the provincial capital, Belém, in response to which the government sent a combined naval and land force.
When Liu refused, the rebel went to Beijing and succeeded in bribing his way into favour there.
An attack by Dirlewanger failed, and the rebels succeeded in cutting off his troops.