However, if we are being treated as a rebellious colony, I doubt that such a restoration will be permitted.
Bermudian trade with the rebellious American colonies actually carried on throughout the war.
Previously, nonimportation agreements had been limited to specific localities, but this one applied throughout the rebellious colonies.
His remit was to restore French control of their rebellious colony, by any means.
Therefore he had it published, but due to the general feeling in England against the rebellious colonies, the speech had no effect.
The rebellious colonies would be cut in two.
They planned a conquest of the rebellious colonies one at a time, moving north from Georgia.
They're afraid that's all it would take for some of the more rebellious colonies to attempt to secede from the Commonwealth.
During and after the war, the colony's efforts to attract exiled Loyalist refugees from the rebellious American colonies met with some success.
Instead he proposed that the prime minister, Lord North, make peace with the rebellious American colonies.