The irony is that the Angels now need Darv's rebellious mind to try to figure out where Earth has gone, otherwise they will have no planet to rule.
At Copenhagen Riegels studied theology, and was known amongst his professors as having a rebellious and inquisitive mind.
However, Darv's enquiring and rebellious mind is now putting him at odds with the Angels again, who are forced to surreptiously discipline him for a second time.
He stared unbelievingly at her, trying to probe this rebellious mind.
The Steward reminded him of his many tutors (none of whom lasted long), who'd struggled with varying degrees of success to implant some useful learning into his rebellious young mind.
Robert's theology included belief in "the modern liberal doctrine of man and the optimism of the nineteenth century, and it required a bold, rebellious and spacious mind to grasp its full implication."
However, he also states that his English teacher, Eric Watson "took the trouble to guide my rebellious mind into the area of literature."
"A smaller ship filled with smaller, more rebellious minds," said the War Admiral.
As he watched her, his rebellious mind filled with such gloriously lusty thoughts that he groaned.
The old bishop, who came before this one, told me I had a twisted and rebellious mind, and was over-fond of listening to the Devil.