Most of those seeking jobs rebuilding Kuwait are finding that information is scarce and job opportunities are limited.
In New Jersey this spring, thousands of people signed up for high-paying jobs rebuilding Kuwait.
U.S. companies are winning most of the 200 early contracts for rebuilding Kuwait.
Finally, the end of the war is raising questions about how much money will be required from international capital markets to rebuild Kuwait, and ultimately, Iraq.
A Western ambassador whose country is deeply involved in the effort to rebuild Kuwait agreed with those judgments.
It is expected to win big contracts to help rebuild Kuwait.
But if Iraq does withdraw, even with conditions, he will surely want to give priority to rebuilding Kuwait - and leave the rest to diplomacy.
This package is three times the $100 billion often projected as the cost of rebuilding Kuwait, and makes Taiwan a key market for international construction companies.
Some even point to the 'encouragement' offered by the batty suggestion of an American congressman that boat people should be sent to help rebuild Kuwait.
Egypt also wants its share of the billions that will be spent to rebuild Kuwait.