For all the reconstruction efforts in the last 12 months, not a single house has been rebuilt with international assistance here in the capital, where a staggering 78,000 houses were destroyed over the years of fighting.
After the war the water and sanitation infrastructure was rebuilt with substantial external financial assistance.
It was rebuilt with assistance from the Bishop of Rochester and the Archbishop of Canterbury, who granted to the priory the right to take over the revenues of the church and vicarage at Leigh, which was then worth £12 per annum.
The Ball and Thomas Gallery was destroyed by a tornado in May 1860, but was later rebuilt with assistance from the community.
The original historical Roth was burnt down by the Pakistan Army in 1971 The Roth has since been rebuilt with Indian assistance.
Every spring, the Sukchon delta region falls victim to killer floods, so the area had recently been extensively rebuilt, with assistance from Chinese military troops and engineers.
Since 1991 the Republic of somaliland have successfully managed to rebuild their nation from next to nothing with minimum assistance from the international community, they have established peace, and the rule of low.
This is partly because of the destruction here, far worse than at monasteries in Lhasa, and partly because Ganden is being rebuilt with only scant assistance from Beijing.
Since the 2003 invasion of Iraq, which toppled the Saddam Hussein regime, the Iraqi Armed Forces have been rebuilt with substantial assistance from the United States armed forces.
The F-FDTL is currently being rebuilt with foreign assistance and has drawn up a long-term force development plan.