These have all been rebuilt twice, the final one in 1995 by the von Roll company.
It has been rebuilt twice with the current bridge opening in 1916.
The church has since had to be rebuilt twice taking place in 1806 and in 1858.
In later years, the church was rebuilt twice, the last one in 1883.
Originally opened on 24 May 1971, the station has been rebuilt twice.
First constructed between 1749 and 1750, this bridge still stands, although it has been rebuilt twice, most recently in 1905.
It opened in 1870 and was rebuilt twice, although each new building retained elements of the previous structure.
It has been rebuilt twice after being destroyed by fires, the second time during the 1990s.
The station has been rebuilt twice over the past 50 years to cater for the changing nature of the area.
Since its foundation the school has been rebuilt twice on the original site.