After lunch I went to check on my recalcitrant patient.
An overdue response is involuntary quarantine of recalcitrant patients with tuberculosis.
To McCoy, who was observing Spock's every move, it was an indication that all was far from well with his recalcitrant patient.
That is, the state will start paying for people to watch these recalcitrant patients swallow their pills.
Permanently Committed So in the last few years, doctors, relying on a little-used provision of state law have forcibly hospitalized recalcitrant patients.
For patients like George - recalcitrant medical individualists - the idea of "hope" becomes inextricably linked to "cure."
When she spoke it was in the brisk, competent, no-nonsense tone of a nurse prescribing treatment to a possibly recalcitrant patient.
Other incentives for recalcitrant patients might include food vouchers, clothing allowances or direct payments "so they can buy what they need themselves," Dr. Atkins said.
Hence Lorentz's efforts resemble those of a doctor with a recalcitrant patient who refuses to take the medicines carefully prepared for his benefit.
An elderly man, he knew well enough how to handle recalcitrant patients; he only liked to complain for the fun of it.