The Madison Avenue foray into the chaotic race to recall Gov. Gray Davis of California has ended.
The effort to recall Gov. Gray Davis of California is like a runaway train, fueled by voter anger and political aspirations.
It is just one of the complications of an election in which voters must decide whether to recall Gov. Gray Davis, then choose from 135 possible replacements.
An array of polls this week showed strong support for recalling Gov. Gray Davis.
A month from today, Californians will vote on whether to recall Gov. Gray Davis.
And the drive to recall Gov. Gray Davis is gathering steam, adding to the sense of crisis here.
Efforts to recall Gov. Gray Davis heated up in California, as these news reports indicate.
Other leading contenders in the election to recall Gov. Gray Davis also campaigned today.
With the impending vote on whether to recall Gov. Gray Davis, California is on a fast track to someplace it has never been.
Feeding off frustration with California's economic crisis, a Republican-backed effort to recall Gov. Gray Davis has gained steam in recent weeks.