The resolution recalled previous resolutions on the topic, including the right to self-determination of the people of Southern Rhodesia.
Israeli leaders are also uncomfortable with a continuing United Nations role, recalling resolutions adopted in the past at the world organization that Israelis considered unfavorable.
The resolution recalled previous resolutions regarding the Northern Mali conflict, including resolutions 2056 and 2071 in authorizing action.
The Council recalled various General Assembly and other resolutions, condemning all incidences of hostage-taking and abductions and calling for the immediate safe release of hostages wherever they are.
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1723, adopted unanimously on November 28, 2006, after recalling previous resolutions on Iraq, the Council extended the mandate of the multinational force until the end of 2007.
The resolution also called for the respect of international refugee law, the preservation of the humanitarian nature of refugee camps and prevention of recruitment of women and children, and recalled several previous resolutions to that effect.
United Nations Security Council resolution1607, adopted unanimously on 21 June 2005, after recalling all previous resolutions on the situation in Liberia, the Council extended the embargo on Liberian diamonds for a further six months.
United Nations Security Council resolution 1022, adopted on 22 November 1995, after recalling all resolutions on the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia, the Council suspended measures in previous resolutions related to the former Yugoslavia.
United Nations Security Council resolution 1052, adopted unanimously on 18 April 1996, after recalling previous resolutions on Israel and Lebanon, including 425 (1978), the Council called for an immediate ceasefire during the 1996 Lebanon war.
The resolution noted that the UNPREDEP mission played an important role in maintaining peace and stability in Macedonia, and recalled resolutions concerning the situation in Albania, including 1101 (1997) and 1114 (1997).