At the age of 13, Petrolini attended reform school as he bitterly recalls in his memoirs.
He recalled in his memoirs that as a teen-ager, he had longed to learn to read.
"I once again used my old bag of tricks," he recalled in his memoirs, published five years before his death in January.
As Balande would recall in his memoirs, 'I showed him my work from the evening classes, and he encouraged me!
He only returned, he later recalled in his memoirs, upon the promise of "absolute full power" over the editorial desk.
This is a different result than Lundin recalled in his 1937 memoirs.
Dodd recalled in his memoirs that he earned $140 per month as a teacher, with many duties outside the classroom.
The event proved to be a valuable learning experience for William, who later recalled in his unpublished memoirs:
This proved to be a pivotal moment in the 20-year-old's life, as he later recalled in his memoirs:
Alexander Strekotin, one of the guards, recalled in his memoirs that she "was a girl who loved to have fun."