They say they recall the incident clearly, including conversations with him just after he received the offer in a telephone conversation with his uncle.
She was wide-awake now, though, with everything recalled instantly, including her terror.
In a 1975 speech, Ford recalled losing seven out of eight games in 1934, including a 34-0 loss to Ohio State.
"I don't recall including you for the landing party, Captain," Maslin said.
One official recalled the firing of a small number of agency contractors, including retirees, for leaking several years ago.
It eventually recalled more than 100,000 heart units, including two models that were also prone to short circuits.
Brown recalled the dreams correctly, including the fact that some were in black-and-white instead of colour.
One female resident recalled witnessing 9 of her relatives being murdered by the militants, including her youngest child in third grade.
In it, he recalled the events he had witnessed, including descriptions of the scenery and the customs of local people.
The woman recalled details of the attack for investigators, including the fact that the man had a video camera.