At that thought, he frowned, recalling his grandfather's advice about not acting until he knew enough to do so.
He recalled a professor's advice: If you buy one good thing a year, you will be surprised at how soon you have many nice things.
"You are dealing in an area where there's potential criminal liability," he said, recalling his advice.
"Cool, calm, collected," he whispered to himself, recalling his uncle's advice.
Alucius took a deep breath, recalling once more his grandsire's advice about not acting until he knew what to do.
Gardiner, who met Fairbanks only once, recalls her advice.
She recalled Ian's advice and whenever the picture came before her eyes, she tried breathing it out.
The Huertas had long since left, and a thousand times she'd recalled Sophia's advice.
Recalling the lawyer's advice, Saybrook realized that it would be unwise to go further with this matter for the present.
The prince suddenly recalled his teacher's advice with a clarity that amazed him.