I have yet to receive a separate line into my apartment, though she's been promising one for two weeks.
They also received a $275 million line of credit from a group of large banks and one year later the company reported its first loss.
The firm also received a $750,000 line of credit, which could be used only to buy Ferrofluidics stock.
To his surprise, he received a $25,000 line of credit at 12.5 percent interest.
In 1499 it received a new line of walls.
According to tradition, the town received a new line of walls from Charlemagne in the early 9th century.
Some homeowners receive a line of credit instead and withdraw money only when they need it.
Under his reign the city also received a new line of walls.
She receives a contributing line in the story for her efforts.
While closing the target, she received a hit below the water line but continued in action.