The best way to receive a massage is to be totally present, she said.
Find someone who has received or given a massage.
Receive a massage from 12 therapists at once, each responsible for one body part.
Studies show that when premature babies receive a daily massage, they gain an average 47 percent more weight.
A device on or inside the chair provides the person sitting in it the sensation of receiving a massage.
The police said the woman, 54, was receiving a massage on Feb. 11 when she felt inappropriate contact.
Knowing that I was writing about the experience, she explained that most people don't really know how to receive a massage.
As one message board denizen asked this summer, "Do you feel comfortable receiving a massage from another man?"
He pulled muscles in his upper back a few weeks ago, and receives massages on the bench.
But outside the public glare, what about all the wives and girlfriends of those receiving massages?