Sometimes, people with distant or absent fathers find it difficult to receive love, affirmation and protection from men and find it more "normal" to be treated badly.
I received exciting affirmation of this when I came across the writings of I. Lehr Brisbin Jr. of the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, an author of "Wild Pigs in the United States."
The Riddle-Master of Hed ist's, received affirmation; he said wearily, "He's the Prince of Hed."
However, Nepos reorganized his court in Salona, Dalmatia and received homage and affirmation from the remaining fragments of the Western Empire beyond Italy and, most importantly, from Constantinople, which refused to accept Augustulus and branded him and his father traitors and usurpers.
Receiving neither argument nor affirmation, she, disappointed, went on to inquire, "Any word?"
In a large urban teaching hospital, I hung the essay in the break room of the busy intensive care unit where I work as a registered nurse and within hours it was highlighted and underlined and had received affirmation from colleagues.
I found him tossed up by the sea-he couldn't speak, he couldn't..." The eyes of the High Lord of Umber met the harpist's, received affirmation; he said wearily, "He's the Prince of Hed.
For this, he received praise and affirmation from Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Ren Bishi, and other central leaders.
While she knew that Mog's support and loyalty to her was absolute, it still felt good to receive affirmation from one of her closest and most trusted friends.
He elected in the same year to be archbishop and went to Mainz to receive imperial affirmation.