But he added that he thought Wade would meet with a doctor in Miami tomorrow to receive a second opinion on his shoulder.
It takes about 6 seconds for a question on Thumb to receive an opinion, and most questions receive approximately 70 opinions total.
"We were delighted to receive a favorable opinion" from auditors about the company's financial controls, he said.
Interpublic said that when the delayed data are reported, it expects to receive "an unqualified opinion" on the statements in the 2004 annual report.
Douglas, who has been on the injured list since Dec. 28, will receive a second opinion this week.
At or around midnight of January 1, 2013, Huang suddenly received a new opinion from the propaganda department:
Stottlemyre owns a home in this area and in recent days received a second opinion that supported the initial diagnosis.
Firstly, for the third year in a row, the annual accounts have received an unqualified positive opinion.
Every hot issue in thirty-four years had received an opinion of some sort from Rosenberg.
She felt this was necessary in order to receive an honest opinion so her fellow editors would not feel obliged to accept it for publication.