Only two years ago, at the same hospital, 88 percent of all patients received general anesthesia.
Who will be caring for me when I receive anesthesia?
Certain medical conditions can increase your risk of complications when you are receiving anesthesia.
Most of the time, a person must receive general anesthesia for laparoscopic repair.
You'll receive anesthesia before the surgery that will make you sleep.
At this time, he or she also will determine if you should receive anesthesia (usually local).
Some medical conditions may increase your risk of complications when you are receiving anesthesia.
Your baby will receive general anesthesia for the operation.
It is important to provide complete information because certain medical conditions can increase your risk of complications when you are receiving anesthesia.
You will receive local or general anesthesia for the 60- to 90-minute operation, which is usually done in an outpatient surgery center.