The president receives or dispatches envoys without legislative confirmation; treaties, however, must receive legislative consent.
As spring approached, the Cheyenne received envoys from Bear Coat inviting them to surrender.
These strategoi had duties which included planning military expeditions, receiving envoys of other states and directing diplomatic affairs.
Temür also received envoys from Siam and Cambodia.
She was now giving audiences, receiving envoys and petitioners, and in all ways acting as reigning Queen.
Ferdinand I received envoys here from Hungary on the way to his coronation in Székesfehérvár.
In 458 he received envoys from the Visigoths and the Vandals.
As head of state, the president represented the nation in diplomatic affairs, received and appointed envoys, convened the Federal Assembly, and signed laws into force.
He receives foreign envoys, and opens parliament every September.
For example, the emperor's explosion of fury when he received envoys from Tacfarinas demanding concessions in return for peace.