Yet even if hospitals receive money from federal agencies and insurers, they are likely to come up short.
The program receives support from the government of Ghana as well as international agencies.
In the last financial year 2011-12 it received funds from different agencies for R&D purpose which crossed a benchmark.
When an agency lands a big account, it is not unusual to receive congratulations from clients or from other agencies.
He says that he receives five or more pitches a week from agencies.
The organization receives no funding from federal or state government agencies.
The fund is allowed to receive advance payments from other agencies to finance the proposed study, project or activity.
Patients must receive care from agencies, whose fees are often two and three times higher than private sources.
The Institute also receives financial support from federal, state, and local agencies and private sources.
The Daily Mail receives about 30,000 pictures a day from agencies all over the world, including paparazzi photographers.