The general assumption that he was taking kickbacks from contractors did nothing to hurt his popularity among the people who received jobs and sometimes handouts.
This would let the Russians work instead of receiving handouts.
Many here remember the days when the homeless slept picturesquely under Paris's arched bridges, receiving public handouts.
Once these districts receive corporate handouts, government's failure to provide adequate school funding tends to remain unaddressed.
A $5 donation will be requested to attend the workshop and to receive handouts and refreshments.
After receiving handouts from Tech coaches, all three went to S.M.U.
They sleep on floors and tables at schools, a mosque and a government building, receiving handouts of food three times a day.
They are one of 13 teams this year that will receive handouts from baseball's revenue-sharing plan.
They are to receive huge handouts, which they call 'Community subsidies for organisations working to advance the idea of Europe'.
Some, like the families along the road here in Nilaveli, were receiving small handouts.