To be sure you receive this and other mailings, we need to have your correct mailing address.
You also will be invited to special events and receive mailings about campus activities.
Members receive regular mailings unless they request not to be contacted.
During the last two months, as many as 1,500 people received mailings from the company containing an old information card.
Every subscriber goes into the data base and, in turn, receives mailings for other Reader's Digest products.
Members, who pay $10 a year, receive periodic mailings.
Another 200 are those who receive complimentary mailings from the chapter, including libraries and government agencies.
Virtually every taxpayer received mailings last year that suggested a new tax rate had been established for their property.
They also receive mailings, often tailored to their region, ethnic group or political interests.
Members receive regular mailings via e-mail about the society's activities and important upcoming events.